Are you seeing spots on your skin? In the summer, you may hear more about spots because people are in the sun more often. Here are the things that can cause these spots and ways to treat them while preventing future damage …
The global demand for organic personal care products is expected to reach $13.2 billion by 2018. When shopping for clean beauty products, it’s important to read labels and know what’s not clean. There are three culprits to avoid …
Based on your age, the steps and necessities of your skin care routine are different. With age the rotation of skin cells slows down. The correct daily routine is essential. Learn what should be done in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s ...
At some point, everyone experiences puffy eyes or under eye bags. However, many find themselves constantly battling this issue. Although many assume that this problem is evidence of sleep deprivation, there can be many other causes ...
Superfoods are SUPER for your face! While they help the body fight free radicals and boost your immune system, they also have proven skin benefits when used both topically or internally. Here are five go-to superfoods that you can …
The combination of cold weather outside and warm air inside can often irritate skin. Additional external factors also affect your skin. Learn about three common environmental factors that you should monitor for your skin’s health ...
Does a serum go on first or last? What about lotions, creams or oils? Similar to the way you layer clothing, layering skin care products goes thinnest to thickest. However, there are two areas that are not quite as easy to understand ...
Most women strive to maintain a youthful appearance. There are many skin care products that claim to be "anti-aging”, but do they really work? Here’s the truth and what you can do every day to prevent the premature aging of your skin ...
An important thing to remember is that acne products do not work overnight. Acne is best treated on the inside and the outside. For the best results, you should take additional steps along with your acne products. Here are some tips ...
When sunburns happen, how you react to them makes a big difference. It is important to prevent sunburn and repair skin that is burned as your risk for melanoma doubles if you have had more than five sunburns. When treating sunburn ...
It’s important to detoxify the skin because it’s responsible for eliminating toxins from the body. We are exposed to toxins daily from the environment and the food we eat. Here are some tips on how to remove them from ...
As it sounds, dry brushing is the brushing of your skin while dry. Dry brushing is a method used to exfoliate the skin using a natural bristle brush. You will notice a glowing complexion and smooth skin. Dry brushing is good option to ...
Just as we need to be conscious of healthy nutrition for our bodies to look fit, our skin needs its own forms of nutrition to maintain its healthy glow. Skin is an organ and responds to healthy nutrition as positively as other organs ...
There is a lot of talk about the Clarisonic Skin Care Brush, but you may be wondering what exactly it does and if it is really worth your money. The answer is - YES! Properly used, the Clarisonic Skin Care Brush can revolutionize the way ...
Milk, bread, soda... serums, under-eye rollers, anti-wrinkle creams. In our 24/7 crazy busy society, there's a good chance that when you are picking up groceries, you are also shopping for moisturizers. When you are ...